Lifehouse Eco Policy 

We constantly strive to responsibly reduce our impact on the environment and are proud to be able to commit to the following measures of sustainability:
- Recycling paper, newspapers, cardboard, glass, plastics, cans and print cartridges
- Reducing the use of plastics around resort by removing all plastic straws, plastic cups and cellophane packaging on flip flops/slippers
- Reducing the amount of paper products around resort where possible, including leaflets and brochures, and instead providing digital alternatives
- Providing a designated bicycle parking area for guests’ and members’ use
- Encouraging guests to save water and laundry products with our Towel Policy to reuse towels in bedrooms where they can
- Composting shredded paper and recycling cooking oil for bio fuel
- Providing hotel amenities in all bedrooms that are fully biodegradable including the packaging
- Operating a ‘switch off’ policy for office staff to turn off computer equipment and printers when not in use
- Reducing our usage of harmful cleaning chemicals and replacing these with eco-friendly products. Our laundry detergents are 100% biological and spa cleaning products 90% biological. We also wash at colder temperatures using washing appliances with A+ ratings
- Reducing our usage of paper and ink by printing double sided and black & white wherever possible
- Providing two electric car charging points available for our guests’ and the local community
- Fitting aerated taps to all bathrooms where viable to save water consumption
- Providing dual flush toilets to reduce water use
- Using local suppliers as much as possible for our food, drink and other stocks, and buying in bulk when applicable. We also endeavour to ensure that our suppliers are environmentally conscious and align with our sustainability ethos
- Sourcing only British welfare standard meat and sustainably sourced fish
- Using low energy light bulbs in public areas and bedrooms as well as LED sensor lighting in public areas
- Many of our roofs are ‘living roofs’ featuring a range of plants. These serve several purposes including absorbing rainwater, providing insulation and creating a habitat for wildlife
- We also have a bank of solar panels on the roof of one of the accommodation blocks which works to heat water
- Constantly monitoring our energy consumption of gas, electricity and water
- Using electronic mail, where achievable, to reduce the use of paper
- Providing a library for guests stocked with spare books from a local publisher – any money from books purchased by guests from the library is donated to one of our charities of the year
- We have a Lifehouse Eco Committee on site who meet regularly to analyse actions completed and look at what more we can do across all areas of the business to improve sustainability
Green Policy for our Guests
We would like to enlist the help of our guests in achieving our aims by kindly asking them to:
- Turn off lights/removing key card from electrical slot when leaving the room
- Turn off the television when leaving the room
- Turn off taps when not in use
- Leave newspapers out of the bins so they can be collected separately by the housekeeping staff for recycling
- Following our Towel Policy to reduce water/energy consumption and laundry products
- If you have any spare books that are in good condition which you no longer want, please leave them on the desk in your room and we will include them in our library, with 100% of proceeds donated to our charities of the year